Is Road Salt Residue Compromising Your Fleet Equipment?
November 21, 2022
New Installation in North Carolina
December 19, 2022We here in Missoula, Montana went with a flurry from fall to winter. OK, please excuse the rotten pun. I couldn’t resist.
We got our first real snow of the season the first week of November followed by some below zero temperatures. My son just got back from deployment in the middle east and came home to a shock of snow and unseasonably cold weather. Poor kid drove over the mountains to the Big Hole Valley and found -23°F on his truck thermometer. He was planning on some camping, hunting and solitude until he saw that. He was home that afternoon.
For those of you in the transportation industry, we have entered the challenging time of year. Summer heat is hard on equipment, but snow, ice and deicing compounds are especially hard on undercarriages. Combine that with delays from mountain passes being clogged with snow, icy roads, extra weight from snow and ice clinging to trailer roofs, chains on/off, it can be hard not only on the equipment, but on the people too.
Obviously, during a big storm, it makes no sense to run your truck through an automated truck wash to remove that frozen sludge as it will just pile back on once it is on the road again. However, once the weather clears or that rig has made it out of the storms’ effects, getting that crud off the truck is not only good for the life of the equipment, but also for your company image.
Drop us a note here at ATW or give us a call. We can help you address some of these winter-time issues and hopefully make your lives a bit easier.
Additionally, all of the staff here at American Truck Wash wish you a Joyous and Prosperous Holiday Season!