Is Your Trailer Up to the USDA and FDA Standards?
November 21, 2022After a long, dry summer, fall has arrived here in Missoula, MT. For many folks here in the Treasure State, the arrival of autumn means one thing: hunting. Whether or not you are a hunting enthusiast, it is a big part of Montana’s culture. With the 3rd largest elk population in the US, great herds of whitetail deer, mule deer, moose, big horn sheep, mountain goat, turkey, waterfowl and upland bird hunting, there are usually more hunting opportunities than there is time for most Montanans.
For the rest of us non-hunters, fall means pumpkin spice coffee, crisp mornings, pleasant afternoons, golden aspens, cobalt blue skies, and leaves in your house. What? Yes, Montana does have 4 very distinct seasons: Grass in your house; leaves in your house; snow in your house; mud in your house.
When it comes to your truck fleet, the only ones you really need to be concerned about are the mud and snow. As we transition from fall to winter, those of us in the transportation industry enter the challenging time of year. Keeping your fleet looking good and the built-up snow, ice and deicing compounds off your fleet can be quite challenging. This is why truck washes get very busy in the winter.
Of course, if you have your own truck washing equipment, it simplifies the process. If you don’t have an automated system, then you deal with HR issues, employees not showing up for work, cold/hot damp working conditions, employee exposure to cleaning chemicals, etc.
Contact ATW today to find out how an automated truck wash system can reduce manpower issues and fleet maintenance costs.
Have a great fall and enjoy the great weather while it lasts!